Month: May 2014

Control Yourself

First off, sorry that it has been a while since I blogged. But here’s what I’ve been up to: Designing and prototyping Trying get trademark stuff in motion Banging my head against the wall with all this controller support mischief. As I mentioned last time, I had been playing with...

Control freak

I did some experimenting with the InControl Unity plugin, which appears to work as advertised. What doesn’t work very reliably is Unity itself. I ran into issues of controllers being registered and not receiving input, and an issue where one controller was reported twice. So far the general solution seems...

Beginning things

Hey, another blog! Starting my own gig is a full palette of challenges, and blogging about it is one small one. What’s been going on with Tipping Goat? I’ve been trying to get a hold of a law-talking-guy, but he never called me back. I wish I had better advice...

The rest day of the first of my life

I’d like to pre-announce the creation of my indie game studio, Tipping Goat™. My goal is to create fun video games with classic gameplay and modern ideas. The first title I’m working on is a project conceived in 2009 as an XNA title for the Xbox 360. Due to...