Month: September 2014

Post NJ Playtest Demo

Still pre-alpha, but with a way better controller/team selection screen, and loads more added! Get the Windows demo here....

Animated Football 2: The Enbettering

I wasn’t quite happy with the animations from yesterdays test, so I redid all the rendering and sprites. The result is much better! The previous renders were views of the ball head-on, and starting pointing straight down. I really wanted a 45 degree angle of the ball, and wanted better diagonals...

Animated Balls

One shortcoming in Super Slam Dunk Touchdown has been the use of my non-animated programmer art balls. The reason for this is the massive amount of work required to make the balls animate correctly with respect to the 3D geometry. This has been bugging me for a while so I...


Note! The pre-alpha Windows demo has been updated! Please see this page for the new features. Howdy sports fans! After much consideration, I am happy to announce the new title of the game formerly known as Sportsball (by Tipping Goat).  And that title is SUPER SLAM DUNK TOUCHDOWN! I think the...

Doing it for the games

First a bit of sad news, my game will not be called Sportsball. I started this game as a side project in 2009, and had my life been where I wanted it to be, I’d have finished it long ago and this would have never come up. Rather than...

Pre-Alpha Demo

Note! The pre-alpha Windows demo has been updated! Please see this page for the new features. If you’re curious about Sportsball the game formerly known as Sportsball SUPER SLAM DUNK TOUCHDOWN, I have a very rough pre-alpha demo (for Windows) showing off the basic game play HERE. I want to get this...

Racism is Bad

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I planned on preventing racism within Sportsball by randomly assigning skin tones to players. As a team manager, you should select players based on ability, not skin tone. Up until now I had been using a default skin tone as the game...