Tag: dev blog

Up to my helmet in it

Testing that is! There’s been a ton of it. Between testing with volunteers (and so can you!) and playing two handed with two controllers by myself, there’s been a lot. Probably there should be more, but here we are in the land of the one eyed army or something....

June 2020 Update

There’s not a whole lot to talk about but I have been working out bugs, cleaning things up and preparing to port back to Xbox One. Here’s some random examples of stuff: Bugs Sometimes the best of intentions yields weird edge cases. In this instance, avoiding some null checks...

Mayday 2020

Isolation is taking a toll on my well being but things are a lot worse for a lot of people in the USA. So I’m thankful I can continue work on this project in good physical health and very grateful for the positivity fans have shown. SSDT is closer...