Tag: arcades

2019 December Update

2019 and the end is in sight The end of the year that is! Just kidding, the end of Season Mode development is closer than it has ever been too, which really isn’t saying anything but sounds good. So here’s some actual meaty details on what is going on...


Yet Another Dev Update Things are still happening. I know! Xbox One Status Minigames/tutorial Season Mode work has resumed. As I’ve mentioned, I wanted to redo the tutorial after feedback from the MAGWest 2018 demo. Initially I had planned 12 new minigames (microgames?) which would focus on a specific...

2019 February Update

The weekly blogs have stopped while I focus on building and selling a few arcade cabinets. I know some people are unhappy about my left turn to arcade building, so I want to give some updates on Season Mode and the Xbox One port as well. But first… The...

SSDT: Arcade Edition (part 1)

For reals. I met the guys at Three Flip Studios at GDC a few years ago, and we’ve been indie dev buddies ever since. So when Rob asked me if I was interested in building a Super Slam Dunk Touchdown arcade cabinet, well of course I said “yes please...